Congress of European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology

28-31 August 2024
University of Veterinary Medicine


Dear Colleagues!

It is our pleasure to announce the next ESVCP meeting held between the 28th and the 31st of August 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.

The congress site is the campus of the veterinary school with its historical buildings and parks. The architect of the campus was Imre Steindl who designed the Hungarian Parliament.

The scientific program of the congress has a vast variety of topics with the immune markers in the center. However other topics will include red blood cell pathology, inflammatory biomarkers and clinical pathology in preclinical toxicology studies. Several species will be discussed ranging from honeybee to cattle. We shall not forget about the harmonization of laboratory testing. There will be sessions for mystery cases and cytological slides. The European Canine Lymphoma Network will also join our congress with their separate satellite session. Moreover, we plan a workshop for those who are involved in designing exams and form exam questions.
Outstanding invited speakers will come from the United States, Canada, the UK, Germany, and Italy.

Social programs include a Welcome drink and the Gala dinner by the side of the beautiful river Danube in an outstanding friendly atmosphere. The Gala dinner holds an enjoyable surprise for the attendees. Hungary is a wonderful country, and the people are warm-hearted. You will not be disappointed.

Don't forget to register as soon as possible!

Peter Vajdovich
Chairman of the Congress

Opening of the online registration
and abstract submission system

Tuesday, 12th March 2024

Call for Abstracts Closes
Tuesday, 30th April 2024
NEW!!! Deadline extension to 15th of May, 2024

Notification of Authors
Friday, 10th May 2024
NEW!!! Notification extension to 15th of June, 2024

Decision on the type of presentation
Monday, 1st July 2024

Early Bird Registration
Friday, 10th May 2024

Cancellation deadline
Monday, 15th July 2024

Mystery Case Presentation Session

Deadline for case submission
Wednesday, 15th May 2024
(priority will be given to those
submissions arriving first)