Congress of European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology

28-31 August 2024
University of Veterinary Medicine


Research Abstract

Call for Abstracts
Oral and Poster presentations

You are kindly invited to submit an abstract using the link above, "Online Registration," and the template included in the link below.
Following a review, numerous communications will be selected for oral presentation (12’ each, plus 3’ discussion). The remaining communications will be accepted as posters. Posters will be displayed in front of the lecture hall, and a poster session will take place during the workshop.

Call for Abstracts Closes: Wednesday, 15th May 2024
Notification of Authors: Friday, 10th May 2024

Abstracts should contain a title, the authors’ names and respective affiliations, the e-mail address of the presenting author and a text body consisting of 300 words maximum. The abstracts will be submitted to peer-review, notification of acceptance and of decision whether oral or poster presentation will follow until 30.06.2024.