Congress of European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology

28-31 August 2024
University of Veterinary Medicine


Callout for Research Abstract Sessions

This is a call for research abstracts for oral or poster presentation at the ESVCP/ECVCP 2024 Congress.

You are kindly invited to submit an abstract using the link above "Online registration" and the template included in the link below.

The Research Abstract Session will be held on Thursday and Friday, 29th and 30th of August 2024.

The Poster Presentation Session will be held on Friday, 30th of August 2024.

  • The deadline for the Research Abstract submission is 30.04.2024. - NEW!!! Deadline extension to 15th of May, 2024
  • Please send two Word files and upload them to the online registration system. The link is below.
  • Those whose abstracts will be accepted as oral presentations are requested to prepare PowerPoint files. The presentations will be 10 minutes long.
  • Those whose abstracts are accepted as poster presentations are requested to construct ppt-files, too for a short oral presentation which will last for 3 minutes.
  • A template is also provided.

The abstracts will be submitted to peer-review, notification of acceptance and of decision whether oral or poster presentation will follow until 30.06.2024.